Queries & Theories
We are always exploring and asking questions. In our Queries & Theories webcasts, we bring together team members and guest speakers to lead in thought-provoking discussions. The topics range from sensory design to climate change solutions and everything in between. Look for upcoming webcasts on our social media channels to join live or explore our past collection below.
Feature webcast
Creating Shared Experiences
Our first episode in the new Culture Series of the Queries & Theories webcast was hosted live on August 18, 2021.

Season 2
Through conversations with partners and international experts, we offer a timely exploration of how to launch a sustainable, inclusive, and responsive planning process. We will also examine opportunities, tools, and techniques to dramatically expand accessibility for visitors, including the creative use of sensory mapping and building information models.
Season 1
With thought leaders from around the country, we discuss climate action and the emerging urban era in the context of social, economic, and environmental challenges. We also examine the impact of climate change on our cultural heritage sites and the challenges of preserving these assets for future generations.