Quinn Evans is a certified small and women-owned business under the Virginia Department of Small Business & Supplier Diversity’s Small, Women-owned, and Minority-owned (SWaM) business certification program.
This certification follows Quinn Evans’ 2022 announcement that we’d become a majority women-owned firm, and our certification as a Women’s Business Enterprise by the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council in 2024.
The SWaM program’s goal is to increase the participation of covered businesses in projects funded by the Commonwealth of Virginia, including capital projects for state universities, government facilities, and the Department of Transportation. Procurement processes for Virginia state-funded building projects typically mandate that 42% of the design fee go to SWaM certified businesses, with ongoing reporting requirements to ensure the project is on track to meet that target.
Proposal evaluation criteria for these projects award points according to whether the proposed team meets or exceeds the target SWaM fee percentage. For proposals where Quinn Evans is the prime consultant, the submission will receive full points for SWaM participation; for proposals where Quinn Evans is a subconsultant, the firm’s projected fee will contribute to the overall SWaM fee percentage.
To discuss teaming with us on a pursuit for a state-funded project in Virginia, please contact marketing manager Jodie Day.