Over the last several days, we have witnessed peaceful observance of the right to speak out along with righteous fury in response to the murder of George Floyd by those sworn to protect all citizens. In the face of these events, added to the disparate impact of the COVID pandemic and a long history of systemic discrimination, we stand in solidarity with all who work to end racism, and the biases that heighten countless social, economic, and health disparities for Black Americans and people of color.
By nature we are optimists and builders, striving to create places that bring people together. We believe that openness and diversity improve the quality of our lives together and the resilience of our communities. Faced with today’s realities, openness is not enough. Our professional responsibility as architects includes acknowledging and addressing the health, safety, and welfare of a diverse and distressed public. We pledge to pursue equity and opportunity each day, to question assumptions, to listen, and to help create pathways for a more fair and inclusive future. We are inspired by the National Organization of Minority Architects’ call to action – to be BRAVE - and invite you to participate.
- Banish racism
- Reach out to those who are grieving
- Advocate for the disinherited
- Vote in every American election
- Engage each human that you meet as YOU would want to be engaged