Science on Display
Science Complex
Science Complex
A transformative new construction and renovation project has created a monumental campus gateway, signaling the College’s commitment to STEM learning. Designed in association with Stantec, the project was developed in three phases to accommodate the College’s ongoing educational needs: first, the new Science Center was built between the two 1960s buildings, followed by the renovation of Science East and then Science West.
The three buildings are connected through the atrium of Science Center, creating an interdisciplinary loop between the College’s science, math, and engineering programs. Throughout the complex, science and technology concepts are expressed through design features such as the exposed mechanics of the atrium elevator and truss in the connector.
The team translated the Program of Requirements into a dynamic, flexible design.
According to Plan
The Science Complex project implements the vision for a southern campus gateway we developed in our Facilities Master Plan for the College. In addition to expanding the College’s STEM Facilities, the complex creates a new campus quad and defines a new cross-campus pedestrian walkway.
A STEM Crossroads
As one of the largest spaces on campus, Science Center’s monumental atrium is a major gathering space. It provides visual and circulatory connections between STEM departments, encouraging the exchange of ideas among disciplines.
Independent Learning Spaces
Classrooms and labs are interspersed with breakout spaces with writable surfaces where students can study, collaborate, or decompress between classes.
High Performance
Energy efficiency begins with the building envelope. We designed Science Center with copious insulation, including a green roof. Science East and West received new exterior envelopes, and Science West and Center feature rooftop photovoltaic arrays that supply part of the complex’s energy.
A Sustainable Site
The site provides outdoor classrooms placed among native plantings and rain gardens that trap and filter stormwater before returning it to the water table. A bioretention pond doubles as a pleasant setting for a walk.