The people
behind the places

We’re architects, interior designers, landscape architects, and preservationists—but above all we are collaborators.

Representation Matters


of our Registered architects are women compared to a national average of 24%


employee retention rate compared to a national average of 88%


of our employees are minorities compared to a national average of 17% – see our DEI ethos.

A collage of portraits of Allison McElheny, Steven Spurlock, and Carolina Uechi.
A collage of portraits including Jeanine Quaglia, Nakita Reed, and Jeff Morgan.
 A collage of portraits including Damon Thomas, Julia Siple, and Ryan McEnroe.
A collage of portraits including Saundra Little, Alfredo Davalos, and Amanda Lewkowicz.
Inclusion, Empowerment and Belonging

OneFirm is our human interest channel that amplifies perspectives and personalities throughout Quinn Evans. Explore stories that illuminate the passion behind our work and process.

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Three people working at a table, one person is writing something while the other two observe.

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Read the stories that shape us as one firm from our team in their own words.